UpdateStar Premium

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(1 customer review)
Product is rated as #2 in category Software Updater

Original price was: $34.95.Current price is: $0.00.

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UpdateStar Premium

Original price was: $34.95.Current price is: $0.00.


UpdateStar Premium Edition offers better management of software updates, offering a user-friendly experience with robust features to keep your PC running smoothly. It streamlines the time-consuming process of tracking and installing updates with its vast database of more than 1.9 million apps, guaranteeing that your software remains safe and optimal. It is a preferred solution for those looking for efficiency and peace of mind because it provides advanced backup options for configurations, personalized recommendations, and automatic upgrades. UpdateStar Premium offers smooth updates and extra protection, reducing the hazards associated with out-of-date software and saving you time, regardless of your level of tech expertise. Its user-friendly interface removes the inconvenience of manual upgrades and accommodates users of all skill levels.


With features like registry cleaning, security-level analysis, and notifications for minor upgrades, UpdateStar Premium goes above and beyond simple updating to improve system performance. Its export and backup features make sure you’re ready for system crashes or migrations, and its round-the-clock scheduling automates software checks to keep your program up to date without constant intervention. The solution is expensive, too, and some users could find the frequent alerts bothersome. By lowering vulnerabilities and streamlining processes, this investment benefits those who place a high priority on security and dependability. UpdateStar Premium is a strong competitor in the software updater market because it balances functionality and simplicity, regardless of your preferences for a safe system or a quick update procedure.


  • Scans for outdated software and provides automatic updates.
  • Maintains a database of over 1.9 million software programs.
  • Offers detailed update information, including changelogs and release notes.
  • Provides personalized software recommendations based on user activity.
  • Backs up and restores software configurations for easier recovery.
  • Alerts users to new software updates and security patches.
  • Enables scheduling for automatic scans and updates.
  • Includes software uninstallation and startup program management tools.
  • Provides security analysis with detailed risk levels for installed programs.
  • Identifies minor upgrades and critical patches, including security updates.
  • Offers a registry cleaner to remove leftover software traces.
  • Allows users to export and import software setups for backups or migrations.
  • Includes daily database updates to ensure access to the latest software versions.
  • Enhances software management with faster alternatives to standard Windows tools.
  • Supports the addition and backup of license information in user accounts.
  • Provides UpdateStar Packs for standardized software setups.
  • Ensures secure and direct downloads from verified sources.
8.2Expert Score
UpdateStar Premium Edition is a software tool with a database of over 1.9 million programs, offering features like automatic updates, security analysis, and backup. It's user-friendly, customizable, and accessible for both casual and advanced users. Despite its premium cost and occasional false positives, it's a worthwhile investment for security.
  • Comprehensive software database
  • Automatic and detailed updates
  • Schedule tasks
  • Additional system maintenance tools
  • Security analysis
  • Potential annoyance from update reminders
  • Occasional inaccuracies in update detection

Giveaway Instructions

1. Submit your email here (Giveaway link) and confirm the link sent to your email to receive a free serial number in your inbox/spam folder. giveaway-updatestar-premium-free-license-key 2. Download and install the software: UpdateStar_ENU.msi TIP: Your Windows will recognize it as a "potentially unwanted program." You need to allow it in the settings. giveaway-updatestar-premium-install 3. Launch the program, go to the Premium Edition tab, click Enter License and activate it using your email and the serial number you received. giveaway-updatestar-premium-activated 4. Enjoy the full version!

Terms and conditions

  • This is a 1-year license for version 15.0.
  • You can’t update the software for free.
  • There’s no free tech support.
  • End of giveaway promotion: Ending soon.

Additional information

Specification: UpdateStar Premium

Operation System


Money-back Guarantee



1 PC


1 Year License

Support Service

Contact Email

Reviews (1)

1 review for UpdateStar Premium

4.0 out of 5
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  1. Erind Ceca

    UpdateStar Premium Edition is a software tool with a database of over 1.9 million programs, offering features like automatic updates, security analysis, and backup. It’s user-friendly, customizable, and accessible for both casual and advanced users. Despite its premium cost and occasional false positives, it’s a worthwhile investment for security.

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